Monday 5 September 2011


So I’ve spent my first full week in Iceland and I’ve started to gain some insight into what this place is about. Reykjavik in a way is very similar to Dunedin; People love getting drunk, it posses’ the best selection of women in the country/respective hemispheres, the flats look terrible (but are considerably warmer), and a 10 minute run can take you to some spectacular places. 
I am also pleased to say that after 2 big nights out this past weekend I can report the Reykjavik night life is wicked. There is a plethora of good looking women that are particularly approachable and love showing off their English skills.

In my 2 and a half weeks abroad I have nearly been hit by a tram and many cars. Looking left when crossing the road could be the hardest concept to get used to in my time away. We take it for granted but man, when you look right for the first 21 years of your life it takes some serious control to change. Every time I get to a street I have to tell myself out loud “left, right”. Fortunately road users here are really good to pedestrians and stop whenever they get the chance. This is another strange thing for me to grasp. If you are standing on the footpath of a main road waiting to cross, cars will literally grind to a halt just to let you cross. They call it “considerate” but I’m sure there are more minutes spent hesitating whether or not they’re going to stop, than you actually save by them just going. 

On the topic of strange things, just the other day we were having a beer in the park on a beautiful Sunday. My Belgian friend who had just walked to see us, informed us he had just been called an alcoholic by a random passing woman because he was walking along drinking a beer. Old people seem much less accommodating of foreigners whereas the younger generation seem to embrace us.

On the negative front, things are sort of in limbo a bit as far as uni and accommodation go. Still trying to suss out courses for uni, its hard when you can only relay 1 message per day between departments. I'm also very keen to move into my flat this Sunday! Living out of a suitcase for 3 weeks is not fun!

P.S: Going on a trip with some mates this w/e to Snaefells so there should be some more cool pics next update.

P.P.S: Planning on tucking into the beers Friday morning at 7am for the ABs. I've told everyone we're definitely not losing this year so the ABs better bring home the bacon!

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