Tuesday 16 August 2011

Kuala Lumpur and beyond

I boarded my flight wearing my tramping boots, hoodie, jacket and jeans, all the large items that wouldn't fit in my 1 bag. After an 11 hour flight with no entertainment/fun (courtesy of Air Asia) we bypassed an epic lightening storm (that provided a much needed spectacle) and landed in KL. The walk from plane to terminal dressed in my best winter gears took a little over a minute, in which time I had managed to sweat out the same amount in litres courtesy of 30 degree heat and ridiculous humidity. 

The flight from KL - London was somewhat better with the presence of a 9-1-9 Malaysian air hostess and a lovely Scottish woman seated next to me. Might I just add that I am yet to meet an unpleasant Scots-person.
Arriving in London I couldn't help but get into the spirit (no pun intended) of things with the purchase of some duty free Gordons.

From the airport I managed to catch a bus into victoria station where I was expected to purchase a ticket and board the right train during PEAK hour. By no means an easy task for someone who's just come halfway round the world in 27 hours and who possesses limited public transport experience. By some complete fluke I managed to get onto the correct train, but still dressed in my winters finest, I received many, many strange looks from the locals as I broke out into another profuse sweat. 

From the train I followed instructions and walked 20m to the right of the station to the pub my London mate TJ was working at, apparently I was late. Several jet lagged pints later (shared with the presence of a real life Geordie) and it was definitely bed time.

Today I was shown how to actually use the public transport system by Pippa, another Kiwi staying with us on our way to the Darwin Center/Natural History Museum and Buckingham Palace. 

Howellite actually exists?!

A pomegranate soda and fish n' chips in the park capped off the afternoons exploring. The use of actual salt and vinegar is certainly a novelty.

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